
Page 61 of the Workbook is still Homework, to be checked on 19.02


Intro: We began class with by sharing what we did over our breaks, and we also played a game of Scattegories to warm up our brains.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, we completed sentences to practice both our „made of“/“used for“ grammar and our apostrophe placement grammar.

Students Books: We worked through pages 62 and 63 in the Students Books

Superminds Story Read Aloud/Act Out: As a class, we read and acted our our Unit 5 Story. Students were assigned to be the role of our main characters, sheriff, robber, or reader. We used props and acted out our story together.


Page 61 of the Workbook is still Homework, to be checked on 19.02


Intro: We began class with by sharing what we did over our breaks, and we also played a game of Scattegories to warm up our brains.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, we did our last made of/used for guessing game. Students chose four of the objects and wrote two sentences to describe each object. They then read those sentences to a classmate for the classmate to guess the object.

Example: It’s made of metal. It’s used for flying around. What is it?
Answer: Helicopter

    • Unit 5 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

      New Unit 5 Grammar: Introduced our second grammar point of Unit 5: apsotrophes.
      In sentences where there is one object the apostrophe goes before the „s“
      The sheriff’s badge is made of silver.
      In sentences where there are multiple objects the apostrophe goes after the „s“
      The sheriffs‘ badges are made of silver.

      Students Books: We worked through page 61 in the Students Books


Page 60 of the Workbook is assigned as Homework for Monday, 17.02

Intro: We began class with a game of Hotseat to practice our unit vocabulary.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, we did our last made of/used for guessing game. Students chose four of the objects and wrote two sentences to describe each object. They then read those sentences to a classmate for the classmate to guess the object.

Example: It’s made of metal. It’s used for flying around. What is it?
Answer: Helicopter

  • Unit 5 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

    New Unit 5 Grammar: Introduced our second grammar point of Unit 5: apsotrophes.
    In sentences where there is one object the apostrophe goes before the „s“
    The sheriff’s badge is made of silver.
    In sentences where there are multiple objects the apostrophe goes after the „s“
    The sheriffs‘ badges are made of silver.

    Bamboozle Games: We played a series of classroom games to practice our grammar points and vocabulary.

    Students Books: We worked through page 61 in the Students Books


Page 60 of the Workbook is assigned as Homework for Monday, 17.02

Intro: We began class with a game of Scattegories to warm up our brains.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, students saw even more objects on a slide. They chose four of the objects and wrote two sentences to describe each object. They then read those sentences to a classmate for the classmate to guess the object.

Example: It’s made of metal. It’s used for flying around. What is it?
Answer: Helicopter

Unit 5 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

Unit 5 Grammar: Practiced our 1st Grammar Point of the unit; using made of and used for to describe items.
This bottle is made of glass.
It’s used for drinking water.

Native American Project: Students made a short report about a Native American Tribe. They answered questions about four tribes, Inuit, Seoux, Apache, and Blackfoot. Their report included:
Where in North America did they live?
What were their homes like?
What did they eat/hunt?
Two fun/interesting facts 
1 Full Color Picture

Students Books: We worked through page 64 in the Students Books


Page 61of the Workbook is assigned as Homework for Monday, 17.02

Intro: We began class with a game of Scattegories to Warm Up Our Brains.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, students saw a bunch of objects on a slide. They chose four of the objects and wrote two sentences to describe each object. They then read those sentences to a classmate for the classmate to guess the object.

Example: It’s made of plactic. It’s used for paying. What is it?
Credit Card

  • Unit 5 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

    Unit 5 Grammar: Practiced our 1st Grammar Point of the unit; using made of and used for to describe items.
    This bottle is made of glass.
    It’s used for drinking water.

    Country Western Music: We listened to our unit song, an American country western song. We then listened and talked about several examples of real life country music

    Students Books: We worked through page 60 in the Students Books


Page 58 and 59 of the Workbook are assigned as Homework for Monday, 03.02

Intro: We began class with a game of Hotseat to practice our new vocabulary.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, students saw a bunch of objects on a slide. They chose four of the objects and wrote two sentences to describe each object. They then read those sentences to a classmate for the classmate to guess the object.

Example: It’s made of plactic. It’s used for paying. What is it?
Credit Card

Unit 5 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

Unit 5 Grammar: Practiced our 1st Grammar Point of the unit; using made of and used for to describe items.
This bottle is made of glass.
It’s used for drinking water.

Country Western Music: We listened to our unit song, an American country western song. We then listened and talked about several examples of real life country music

Students Books: We worked through page 60 in the Students Books


Page 58 and 59 of the Workbook are assigned as Homework for Monday, 03.02

Intro: We began class by warming up our brains with a game of Scattegories.

Notebooks: In our notebooks, students imagined they could live in one of three historical time periods; Cowboy Times in the USA, Samurai Times in Japan, or Viking Times in Norway. They wrote which one they would rather live and three reasons why, and then we discussed as a class.

New Unit: We introduced our new unit with a short informative video.

Unit 5 Vocab Words: We introduced our new Unit 5 Vocabulary: robbers, jail, wagon, sheriff, pistol, saddle, handcuffs, barrel, rope.

New Grammar: Introduced our 1st Grammar Point of the unit; using made of and used for to describe items.
This bottle is made of glass.
It’s used for drinking water.

Create and Outlaw: Students created a Wild West Outlaw. They came up with a backstory for their outlaw including:

Picture of Outlaw or Your Crime with 2 vocab words
Your Outlaw Name
A Description of your Outlaw (1 Sentence)
What was your crime? (2 Sentences)
What is the reward for your capture?

Students Books: We worked through page 58 and 59 in the Students Books


Unit 4 Test: We reviewed for and wrote our Unit 4 Test. Students absent for the test will take it on Monday 27.01.

Please see the details below about the 2025 LEAP English Summer Camp!

LEAP English Day Camp

August 4-8, 2025

Don’t forget to register by March 31st and receive a 10% discount!
You can find the registration form here.


Unit 4 Test: We reviewed for and wrote our Unit 4 Test. Students absent for the test will take it on Monday 27.01.

Please see the details below about the 2025 LEAP English Summer Camp!

LEAP English Day Camp

August 4-8, 2025

Don’t forget to register by March 31st and receive a 10% discount!
You can find the registration form here.



    Intro: We began class by warming up our brains with a game of Scattegories.

    Notebooks: In our notebooks, we completed sentences from our 0 Condtional grammar point. Students saw either the first part or the second part of the sentence and filled in the rest with their own answers.Example:
    If you press the button,…
    If you don’t study for the test,… 
    If _________________________, the teacher gets angry.
    If _________________________, my parents get angry.

    Unit 4 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 4 Vocabulary: waiter, strawberries, biscuits, spoon, napkin, fork, knife, pepper, salt, chopsticks.

    New Grammar: Practiced our second grammar point of Unit 4; 0 Conditionals. We use this for rules and things that are always true. We played a board game where in order to stay on the space, students must form a conditional sentence.
    If ice gets hot, it melts.
    If you press the button, the TV turns off.

    Unit Review: We played a few games to review our Unit 4 Vocab and Grammar before the test.

    Students Books: We worked through page 54 in the Students Books