- Unit Song PB 49
- In Front Of, Behind, Between | Prepositions Song for Kids
- Portfolio: Draw a spider between an armchair and a sofa.
- Draw a frog under a bookcase.
- PB 51/1 (Chant)
- AB 51 (Starter’s Listening)
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 52/1
- 4 corners game: sl, sn, sc, sp – děti podle výslovnosti slova běžely k dané ceduli ( snake, slow, scary, spider, speedy, sloth, snack, scar, sleep, scratch, scarf, slap, snow, sneeze, spaghetti, space)
- AB 52/1, 53 (listen, stick, write)
- Unit Story PB 53
- Homework: AB 52/2 – děti si mají vybrat jednu z kombinací slov – slow, speedy, scary + snail, snake, spider – napsat a nakreslit
- „The Animal Dance!“ 🦁/// Danny Go! Kid’s Songs About Animals
- Portfolio: Draw a spider between an armchair and a sofa. Draw a frog under a bookcase.
- Slovíčka: animals: cow, goat, sheep, duck, frog, lizard, spider, donkey
- PB 48/1- děti odpovídaly na otázky k obrázku – Where are they? What is under the tree? What is on Stella’s t-shirt? Where’s the spider? What’s the goat doing? What are the baby sheep doing?
- AB 48/1
- Unit Song PB 49
- AB 49/1
- PB 50/1 – “I love …” “So do I. / I don’t.” Practice in open class
- Game: “Fruitbasket turnover” – hra, která zapojuje děti do tvoření vět a reakci na na ně (I like apples! So do I! – všichni, kteří říkají So do I!si vymění místa.
- AB 50/1
- Homework: AB 48/2
OD TOHOTO TÝDNE MŮŽETE PŘIHLÁSIT VAŠE DÍTĚ NA LEAP SUMMER CAMP. Kromě zahraničních lektorů budou přítomné z LEAP Drtinova týmu Miss Andrea a Miss Alice.

- PB 41 Unit Song Karaoke!
- Portfolio: Read and draw. Grandma Star is having meat, chips, pears, and water for lunch.
- Beach ball toss– What do you have for breakfast? I have…
- Marie’s Science (Where does food come from?) – PB 46/1 video
- Frogs on a log: děti řadily do kategorie comes from plants/comes from animals – carrots, meatballs, yogurt, fish, potatoes, rice, chips, pasta, cheese, eggs, chicken, bananas, milk, pears, fries
- AB 46/1
- Trevor’s Values – PB 47/1,2
- Review Unit 5- present continuous – PB 37 Unit Song
- “Snatch it” game: getting, throwing, catching, flying, talking, jumping, sitting, hitting, cleaning, running, kicking, sleeping – děti předváděly podle zadání jednotlivá slovesa
- Read and write answer on whiteboards: https://wordwall.net/resource/1245980/kids-box-2-present-cont-unit-5 (quiz mode)
- Tic Tac Toe game -spelling
- Homework 47/1

- PB 41- Unit song
- Portfolio: breakfast / lunch / dinner
- PB 43/2 (reading practice), AB 43
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling
- PB 44/1- video a AB 44/1
- Shopping role play – děti dostaly nákupní seznam a obrázek obchodu. Ve dvojicích pak vedly rozhovor: Can I have some_____, please? Yes, here you are. No, I’m sorry.
- PB 45- Unit Story – děti zhlédly video a pak jej „dabovaly“
- Homework AB 45
- I’m Hungry! | Simple Food Song for Kids
- Portfolio: write and draw – food
- Nová slovíčka: Food: bread, water, milk, eggs, chips, juice, chicken, rice, Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, Polite requests: Can I have some (bread), please? Here you are
- PB 40/1
- AB 40/1 / PB 41- Unit song
- PB 42/1, AB 42/1, 2
- Can I have …? activity: děti si nakreslily obrázky jídla a poté se všichni navzájem mezi sebou ptaly a odpovídaly: Can I have some bread, please. Yes, here you are./No, I’m sorry.
- Spelling dictation – psaní nových slovíček
- Domácí úkol: AB 41/2
- “Candy Cane Crush!” 🍭💥 Christmas Drum-Along Dance | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
- Christmas pop-up gift card: děti si vyrobily přáníčko
- Film: Frosty the Snowman
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

- „The Gingerbread Cookie Dance!“🎄/// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
- Portfolio: What’s she/he doing?
- Unit Song: PB 37
- AB 37
- Snatch It – procvičování present continuous – hra při které děti předvádějí – She is running/eatin/dacing..apod.
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 38/1 (video)
- AB 38/1, 2
- Unit 5 Story
- Homework: 34/2, AB 39
- „Santa Freeze Dance!“ 🎅🏼❄️ /// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
- Portfolio: děti třídily slova do kategorií: family (family members) / at home (furniture)
- Family words & family tree
- PB 35/1
- AB 34/1, 2 (děti jmenovaly barvu a kategorii pro dané slovo)
- Frogs on a log: male & female (AB 35/2 formou hry)
- Present continuous- přítomný čas průběhový
- PB 36/1
- I’m throwing/I’m catching game: procvičování průběhového času
- Charades: What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s …ing.
- Unit Song: PB 37
- AB 36/1
- Homework 35/1
- Unit 2 song – teacher on bookcase PB 13
- Opakování: on, in, under, next to, in front of
- Portfolio: Draw a lamp on a bookcase. Draw two lorries under a sofa.
- TEST Unit 1 – 4
- Games – Hot potato, Simon Says
- Unit Song (PB 27)
- Portfolio: Draw two watches on a mat. / Draw Monty in the bath.
- AB 27
- it’s/they’re
- It’s / They’re – Gameshow quiz
- Kid’s Box 2 Unit 4 slides 4 and 5
- Numbers 1 -. 20 – opakování
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 28/1
- AB 28/2, 3
- Whose Ears? | Learn Animals Song for Kids
- Unit Story PB 29 (Who is counting? Is Marie in the cupboard? Where is Monty?
- Drawing on whiteboards: prepositions and vocab
- Příští týden píší děti souhrnný test z Units 1-4
- Homework: AB 29