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Happy Halloween!
Homework due Monday 6.11.: WB str. 22, 23
Notebooks: do sešitu píšeme nová slovíčka z Unit 2
Práce se Student’s Book: SB str. 22, 23
New Grammar:
Questions/Answers with some and any
Use “any” with the following questions and negative answers. Use “some” with positive answers. Use “is” with uncountable nouns (cheese, milk, bread, lemonade, juice, soup, salad, chicken) and “are” with countable nouns (oranges, vegetables, rolls).
Is there any cheese?
Yes, there is some cheese./No there isn’t any.
Are there any oranges?
Yes, there are some oranges./ No there aren’t any oranges.
New Vocabulary: rolls, lemonade, cheese, apple juice, water, soup, vegetables, salad
Other Activity: Halloween Mad Libs, vyrábění naší vlastní „crazy pumpkin“