

      Introduction: We opened class with a game of Hotseat.

      Notebooks: In our notebooks we unscrambled our vocabulary words.

      Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

      New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

      Survival Game: We began a class game where students choose characters and items to bring to a deserted island and see if they can survive.


    • Homework: Pages 108 and 109 are assigned as HW for 06.03

      Introduction: We opened class with a game of Hotseat.

      Notebooks: In our notebooks we practiced our Question Grammar by „interviewing“ a celebrity of our choice“
      Example: Have you…. yet?
      Have you ever….?

      Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

      New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.
    • Sea Creature Project: In small groups we read about and made poster cards for sea creatures: sea turtle, blue whale, shark, and dolphin.

      Students Book: Worked through pages 114 and 115 in the Students Books


    • Homework: Pages 108 and 109 are assigned as HW for 06.10

      Introduction: We opened class with a game of Hotseat.

      Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote and talked about a bucket list: things we haven’t done yet but would like to!

      Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

      New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

      Mythical Sea Creatures and Mysteries: We watched videos and talked about mysteries in our world including: The Bermuda Triangle, The Loch Ness Monster, Sirens, and the Kraken.

      Survival Game: We began a class game where students choose characters and items to bring to a deserted island and see if they can survive.

      Students Book: Worked through pages 112 and 113 in the Students Books


  • Homework: Pages 106 and 107 are assigned as HW for 06.03

    Introduction: We opened class with a game of Scateggories.

    Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote about movies we have already seen or that we haven’t seen yet. Also, we talked about places we have already visited or haven’t visited yet.

    Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

    New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

    Sea Shanties: We listened to our unit song as well as a few other sea shanties, classic songs sung by sailors.

    Survival Game: We began a class game where students choose characters and items to bring to a deserted island and see if they can survive.

    Students Book: Worked through pages 108 and 109 in the Students Books


  • Homework: Pages 108 and 109 are assigned as HW for 06.03

    Introduction: We opened class with a game of Hotseat.

    Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote and talked about a bucket list: things we haven’t done yet but would like to!

    Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

    New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

    Mythical Sea Creatures and Mysteries: We watched videos and talked about mysteries in our world including: The Bermuda Triangle, The Loch Ness Monster, Sirens, and the Kraken.

    Survival Game: We began a class game where students choose characters and items to bring to a deserted island and see if they can survive.

    Students Book: Worked through pages 112 and 113 in the Students Books


Homework: Pages 106 and 107 are assigned as HW for 05.27

Introduction: We opened class with a game of Scateggories.

Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote about movies we have already seen or that we haven’t seen yet. Also, we talked about places we have already visited or haven’t visited yet.

Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

Sea Shanties: We listened to our unit song as well as a few other sea shanties, classic songs sung by sailors.

Survival Game: We began a class game where students choose characters and items to bring to a deserted island and see if they can survive.

Students Book: Worked through pages 108 and 109 in the Students Books


Homework: Pages 106 and 107 are assigned as HW for 05.27

Introduction: We opened class with a game of hotseat to review our words for the whole year.

Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote about what items we would bring to a desert island if we were on a ship that sank.

New Unit: We introduced our new unit with these videos:

New Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

Students Book: Worked through pages 106 and 107 in the Students Books


Unit Test: We reviewed for and wrote our Unit 8 Test.


Homework: Pages 106 and 107 are assigned as HW for 05.27

Introduction: We opened class with a game of hotseat to review our words for the whole year.

Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote about what items we would bring to a desert island if we were on a ship that sank.

New Unit: We introduced our new unit with these videos:

New Unit 9 Vocabulary: sail, mast, sailor, captain, barometer, rat, porthole, cabin, lifeboat

New Unit 9 Grammar: We talked about using yet and already to talk about things we have or haven’t done.

Students Book: Worked through pages 106 and 107 in the Students Books


HOMEWORK: Pages 94 and 95 in the workbook are assigned as HW for Wednesday, 22.05

Introduction: We opened the class with a game of Hotseat

Notebooks: In our notebooks we answered „What If“ questions about a holiday to Italy:
What if your plane is canceled?
What if you lose your wallet?
What if it rains the whole time?
What if a volcano erupts?

Grammar Practice: We introduced our second grammar point of the unit: asking and answering What if questions.
Example: „Let’s go to the park!“
What if it rains?“

New Unit 8 Vocabulary: farmer, artisit, cleaner, dentist, engineer, designer, computer programmer, mechanic, businessman, business woman

Weird Jobs: We talked about strange jobs people have and then we combined words to make a weird job we would like to do.
Example: Rollercoaster Tester, Animal Smeller, Video Game Tester, Waterslide Designer

Students Books: Worked through pages 98, 99 and 100