
  • Unit 1 Song (PB 13/3)
  • Portfolio: Unscramble sentences: who / the boy / Sam is / playing basketball / loves,,,, Mary’s / a bike / riding / the girl / who’s,,,, reading / who likes / Simon’s / “Lock and Key” / the boy
  • Děti reagovaly „boring/busy/exciting/terrible/difficult/easy/quick/careful“  na následující otázky – What do you think of Maths? How is your day? What do you think of hockey? When I do my homework, I am ___________
  • AB 13/2, PB 15
  • PB 16 – How can we use paint? Děti zhlédly video (lze znovu zhlédnout po kliknutí na trojúhelníček u názvu stránky). Poté jsme diskutovali o obrázcích „The Couple“ a The Frame.
  • AB 17/3
  • HW: AB 17/1,2


  • The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden        
  • Portfolio: děti četly z tabule čísla psaná slovy a zapisovaly (11 – 20)
  • PB 16/1 
  • Procvičení existenční vazby: Is there a … in my pencil case? There is/ There are
  • Děti jmenovaly, co je v penálu – What’s in your pencil case? How many pencils are there?…. There is one pencil sharpener. There are two pencils…
  • Naučili jsme se, co znamená „bar chart“ a „pictogram“. PB 16/1 (video – můžete video pustit dětem doma, stačí kliknout na trojúhelníček u cv. 1), 2, 3.   
  • AB 16/1, 2 – Děti se navzájem ptaly: Is there a ruler in Eva’s pencil case? Yes, there is one ruler. apod.
  • HW: AB 12/1


  • The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden        
  • Portfolio: děti četly z tabule čísla psaná slovy a zapisovaly (11 – 20)
  • PB 16/1 
  • Procvičení existenční vazby: Is there a … in my pencil case? There is/ There are
  • Děti jmenovaly, co je v penálu. There is one pencil sharpener. There are two pencils…
  • Trevor’s values:
  • PB 17/1-  be polite, nice, respectful – put my hand up, share my pencils, wait for our teacher, ask for help, clean, listen
  • Charades – děti hrály pantomimou jednotlivé situace z Trevor’s values
  • Hot potato game: spelling, what is it
  • Around the World
  • HW: AB 10/2 (listening), 11/2


  • Unit 1 Song (PB 13/3)
    Portfolio: Unscramble sentences: who / the boy / Sam is / playing basketball / loves,,,, Mary’s / a bike / riding / the girl / who’s,,,, reading / who likes / Simon’s / “Lock and Key” / the boy
    Děti reagovaly „boring/busy/exciting/terrible/difficult/easy/quick/careful“  na následující otázky – What do you think of Maths? How is your day? What do you think of hockey? When I do my homework, I am ___________
    AB 13/2
    PB 15, 16
    AB 17/3
    HW: AB 17/1, 17/2


  • The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden        
  • Portfolio: děti četly z tabule čísla psaná slovy a zapisovaly (11 – 20)
  • PB 16/1 
  • Procvičení existenční vazby: Is there a … in my pencil case? There is/ There are
  • Děti jmenovaly, co je v penálu. There is one pencil sharpener. There are two pencils…
  • Trevor’s values:
  • PB 17/1-  be polite, nice, respectful – put my hand up, share my pencils, wait for our teacher, ask for help, clean, listen
  • Charades – děti hrály pantomimou jednotlivé situace z Trevor’s values
  • Hot potato game: spelling, what is it
  • Around the World
  • HW: AB 10/2 (listening), 11/2


  • Opakování slovíček z minulé hodiny
  • Portfolio: Stella’s the one who’s wearing _________. Lenny’s the one who’s got _________.
  • PB 13/1,3 (Unit song)
  • AB 13/1
  • Lock’s Sounds and Spelling: akcent v jednotlivých slovech: boring, easy, difficult, exciting.
  • careful, quick, slow, terrible, brave, elephant
  • Game – Around the world – opakování slovní zásoby od začátku školního roku
  • Pracovní list – Guess who? – čtení textu a označování správného obrázku.
  • Homework: AB 15


  • Unit 2 Song (PB 13)
  • Kontrola dú: 10/1 (word search), 11/1
  • Portfolio: unscramble words – slova s pomíchanými písmenky – board, desk, cupboard, bookcase
  • Opakování slovní zásoby: board, cupboard, bookcase, ruler, teacher, desk
  • AB str. 13
  • On-line game: procvičení there is/there are
  • Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – tree, bee, see, seventeen, feet, green, knee.
  • PB 14/1
  • Děti po skupinách vyslovovaly: „How many bees can you see?” „17 bees in the tree.”
  • AB 14/1, 2
  • HW: AB 15/1


  • „Bouncing Time!“ Dance Song 🐰 | Brain Break | Danny Go! Songs for Kids
  • Check HW: 10/1, 10/2
  • Portfolio: Stella’s the one who’s wearing _________. Lenny’s the one who’s got _________.
  • PB 13/1,3 (Song)
  • AB 13/1
  • Lock’s Sounds and Spelling: akcent v jednotlivých slovech Stressed syllables: boring, easy, difficult, exciting.
  • careful, quick, slow, terrible, brave, elephant
  • PB 14/1 
  • AB 14/ 1, 2, 3
  • Unit Story – PB 15 – video, otázky: Who are Lock and Key eating lunch with? What does she ask them? Who sees the basketball? Do you think they are naughty? – děti si rozdělily role a příběh přehrály
  • HW: AB 15


    • Unit 2 Song (PB 13)
    • Kontrola dú: 10/1 (word search), 11/1
    • Portfolio: unscramble words – slova s pomíchanými písmenky – board, desk, cupboard, bookcase
    • Opakování slovní zásoby: board, cupboard, bookcase, ruler, teacher, desk
    • Picture Dictionary – děti hádaly, co je nakresleno na tabuli
    • AB str. 13
    • On-line game: procvičení there is/there are
    • Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – tree, bee, see, seventeen, feet, green, knee.
    • PB 14/1
    • Děti po skupinách vyslovovaly: „How many bees can you see?” „17 bees in the tree.”
    • AB 14/1, 2
    • Telephone game (tichá pošta):. I like cheese. Seventeen bees. Feet. fifteen. Green trees.
    • PB 15 (Unit 2 Story
    • HW: AB 15/1


  • Unit 2 Song (PB 13)
  • Kontrola dú: 10/1 (word search), 11/1
  • Portfolio: unscramble words – slova s pomíchanými písmenky – board, desk, cupboard, bookcase
  • Opakování slovní zásoby: board, cupboard, bookcase, ruler, teacher, desk
  • Picture Dictionary – děti hádaly, co je nakresleno na tabuli
  • AB str. 13
  • On-line game: procvičení there is/there are
  • Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – tree, bee, see, seventeen, feet, green, knee.
  • PB 14/1
  • Děti po skupinách vyslovovaly: „How many bees can you see?” „17 bees in the tree.”
  • AB 14/1, 2
  • Telephone game (tichá pošta):. I like cheese. Seventeen bees. Feet. fifteen. Green trees.
  • PB 15 (Unit 2 Story
  • HW: AB 15/1