
review: went over what the students learned last week with Mr.Will.

vocabulary review: Had them teach me the words that they learned from Mr.Will. Did some spelling and memory games with the new words.

new grammar: began to introduce the new grammar on page 5 in students book (simple past tense)

grammar games: kahoot and story creation: What did you eat yesterday, what did you watch last week, etc.


Intro: We began class with a game called Scattegories where students have to come up with words that start with a certain letter and fit into categories.

Notebooks: In our notebooks students wrote past tense sentences about what they did this past summer:

I went to…
I saw…
I did…

Textbook Scavenger Hunt: Students worked in groups and opened their textbooks to try and find various things on a list.

  1. 4 Unit Titles
  2. 3 Character Names
  3. 3 Big Questions + (page #)
  4. 2 Think and Learn Titles + (page #)
  5. 1 Superfact + (page #)
  6. 1 Country Flag + (page #)
  7. 1 Unit Song + (page #)


First Day back

Introduction: I introduced myself to the students and they introduced themselves to me!

Games: played two truths and a lie to get to know each other better.

Poster: learned about our class mascot and coloured our animals for the poster.

Portfolio and rules: handed out portfolios and went over classroom rules.


Homework Due Monday

Warmer: Talked about classroom rules and what activities and games they like best.

Vocabulary review: pictionary with vocabulary cards and review

Grammer review: Talked about should and could and do you mind if, a short review before using it in the workbook for practice.

WB: Did WB pages 72-73. Practiced writing, sentence and question creation, and speaking with dialogues. Students practiced dialogues in pairs then preformed for the class.

Kahoot: Did a Kahoot on should/shouldn’t, must, and giving advice. Students worked in pairs to play the game.

Went outside: Went outside for the rest of lesson becuase students were very good at their written work. Played Chinese whisper, rock paper scissors vocabulary game, and used should/shouldn’t.