
Welcome Chameleons!

Homework (HW): No HW today

Videos: Chameleon

Four Corners Challenge

We talked about the Class Rules and signed our group poster: Be respectful (to your classmates, teachers, classroom), Listen, Raise your hand, Be prepared (bring books, pencil case, homework), Speak English

Game: „Fruitbasket Turnover.“ We talked about the summer and reviewed the Past Tense with a game. One person stood in the middle of a circle while everyone else sat in a chair. The person in the middle asked a question about the summer, i.e. „Who… (swam? ate Indian food? flew on an airplane?) If you did that during the summer, you had to get up and find a new chair to sit in (and the person standing in the middle tried to find a chair, too!)

Time Capsules: Students filled out Time Capsule worksheets with information about themselves (i.e. I’m wearing… I’m ____ meters tall. My favourite subject is…This year I plan to…) They will receive these in our last lesson together in June so they can reflect on the year and see if anything has changed!