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  • Unit 9 Song
  • Portfolio: Read and Draw: Monty can sing. Monty can’t play basketball.
  • Review vocabulary: Play football, play basketball, play tennis, play the guitar, play the piano, swim, ride a bike
  • Naučili jsme se kdy použít sloveso “play” (football, basketball..), “ride” (a bike, a motorbike, a horse), nic: swim, sing..
  • Can you….?  Yes, I can/No, I can’t  – navzájem jsme se ptali a odpovídali. Děti pak o každém vyplňovaly „dotazník“ (Can you sing? Can you play the piano?..)
  • AB 67
  • Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – „ei“ sound  – AB 68/1
  • Unit 9 Story
  • Homework AB str. 69