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PŘIPOMÍNÁM Homework due Monday 13.11.: WB str. 24, 25

Introduction: „What is your favorite food?“ Diskutujeme.

Notebooks: Doplňujeme do vět, jaké jídlo by mělo být na našem perfektním pikniku.

„At my perfect picnic, there are some _____, ______, _____ and _____. There aren’t any ______ or ______.“

Práce se Student’s Book: SB str. 26, 27

New Grammar:

Questions/Answers with some and any

Use “any” with the following questions and negative answers. Use “some” with  positive answers. Use “is” with uncountable nouns (cheese, milk, bread, lemonade, juice, soup, salad, chicken) and “are” with countable nouns (oranges, vegetables, rolls).

Is there any cheese?

Yes, there is some cheese./No there isn’t any.

Are there any oranges?

Yes, there are some oranges./ No there aren’t any oranges.


Shall we (verb)….?

How about some…?

New Vocabulary: rolls, lemonade, cheese, apple juice, water, soup, vegetables, salad

Other Activity: procvičování nové gramatiky, loučíme se s Miss Carinnou (mini party na konci hodiny)