
  • Pages 46 and 47 in the Workbook are assigned as Homework for 13.01

    Intro: We began class by discussing what we did over the Christmas Holiday and also warming up our brains with a game of Scattegories.

    New Unit Intro: We introduced the our next unit by watching and talking about a video pradicting what the future will be like.


    Notebooks: After watching our video, students wrote in their notebooks what they though the future would be like by following these prompts.
    I think the future will have _________ (technology)
    I think the future will have _________ (technology)
    I think the future will be _________ (adjective) Because…

    New Unit 4 Vocab Words: We introduced our new Unit 4 Vocabulary: waiter, strawberries, biscuits, spoon, napkin, fork, knife, pepper, salt, chopsticks.

    Student’s Book: We worked through Page 46 in the Students Book