- Koo Koo – Brrrrrrrrrrrr (Dance-A-Long) 😅
- Portfolio: Write 2 sentences about your winter holiday. e.g. I got…(which presents?) I played… I helped… I visited…
- AB 37/1 as a class (spelling of past simple regular verbs)
- Beach ball toss: Regular Past Simple pronunciation
- Pořadová čísla (Ordials)
- PB 38/1 video
- AB 38/1, 37/2
- Zombie game: procvičování pořadových čísel
- Odpovídání na otázky: What’s the fourth day of the week? What’s the ninth month of the year? What’s the second letter of the alphabet?
- PB 39 Unit Song
- PB 39/2
- AB 39/1, 44/1,2
- Homework: AB 38/2, 39/2