- Seven Continents Geography Song
- Could (uměl/uměla) : Could you speak English when you were 5 years old? Yes, I could./No, I couldn’t. – děti se navzájem ptaly
- Portfolio: I could/couldn’t write when I was 4 years old. I could/couldn’t ski when I was 7 years old.
- AB 47/2
- New vocabulary: explorer, expedition, continent, Antarctica, exhibition, museum, school trip
- PB 46/1 – reading
- PB 46/2- underline past tense verbs in the story
- “So” – PB 47/3, AB 47/3
- Lock’s Sounds and Spelling – “or”, “ir”, “ur”
- AB 50/1, 2
- Unit Song- PB 49
- Homework: AB 46/1, 50/3