23. 5.

Hodinu zahajujeme písničkou – „Mountain song“

Conversation „What can you see on the beach? I can see sand , ……“

Portfolio – podle obrázkových kartiček děti zapisují do sečitu slovíčka – shell, sand, sea

Homework – kontrolujeme domácí úkol z minulého týdne

New homework – AB str. 89 / 1 , Study!

Příští čtvrtek 30. 5. si napíšeme test z probraných lekcí 9 – 12

Acivity – opakujeme si slovíčka a jejich výslovnost – hat, jeans, potatoes, peas, sheep, goat, lorry, boat

Grammar – Procvičujeme otazky a odpovědi.„What do you want?“ „I want …………“ X „What does he want?“ „He wants ………“ X „Do you like watermelon? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.“

Bookwork – učebnice AB str. 87, str. 88 / 1 – hláskujeme a kreslíme

Toy video – pouštíme si další příběh našich hrdinů z učebnice. Následně odpovídáme na otázky související s příběhem.

Game – na závěr hrajeme postřehovou hru, kde současně procvičujeme slovíčka.


Homework Due Monday

Warmer: Talked about classroom rules and what activities and games they like best.

Vocabulary review: pictionary with vocabulary cards and review

Grammer review: Talked about should and could and do you mind if, a short review before using it in the workbook for practice.

WB: Did WB pages 72-73. Practiced writing, sentence and question creation, and speaking with dialogues. Students practiced dialogues in pairs then preformed for the class.

Kahoot: Did a Kahoot on should/shouldn’t, must, and giving advice. Students worked in pairs to play the game.

Went outside: Went outside for the rest of lesson becuase students were very good at their written work. Played Chinese whisper, rock paper scissors vocabulary game, and used should/shouldn’t.


  • Jingle Bells
  • Introduction: What is your favorite job? My favorite job is teaching.
  • Portfolios: slovní zásoba lekce – spelling
  • Kontrola dú AB 32/2, 33
  • Dream job – čtení článku
  • AB 34/1, 2
  • Guess the Jobs game
  • Procvičování minulého času – nepravidelná slovesa: Is/was, are/were, has/had, drink/drank, see/saw, give/gave, take/took, go/went, eat/ate
  • What’s missing?opakování slovní zásoby dvou posledních lekcí
  • Děti dostaly opravený test Unit 1-2.
  • New homework (desks) AB p.35/1


Test: Wednesday 25.10.

Book report: Wednesday 25.10.

Book work: Work book p. 21 activity 1

Test review: We reviewed vocabulary and past continuous grammar for unit 1.

Games: Past continuous board games, spell or slime, sentence stacker, spell with letters, swatter


Homework: Page 10 and 11 of the workbook are due on 16.10

Introduction: We opened the class with a game of Scattegories

Notebooks: In our notebooks we wrote and talked about „What were you doing?“
Last night at 21:00?
This morning at 7:00?
Last weekend?
Last summer?

Unit 1 Vocabulary Practice: smoke, volcano, temple, column, theatre, statue, horse and cart, vase, servant, fountain.

New Grammar: We introduced our new Unit 1 Grammar: Past Continuous:
Yesterday afternoon, I was eating pizza.
Last night, we were playing video games.

Bookwork: We worked through page 12 and 13 in the Students Book


  1. What’s Your Name? | Kids Song | Finny The Shark
  2. The Alphabet Song | Learn The ABCs | Finny The Shark
  3. Dnes jsme začali pracovat s Alphabet Book – probrali jsme písmena A,B (Prosím, věnujte pozornost videím s jednotlivými písmeny abecedy v horní části stránky skupiny)
  4. Představili jsme si Star family: Mr. Star, Mrs. Star, Stella, Simon, Suzy. Děti pojmenovávaly jednotlivé osoby na obrázku.
  5. Activity Book 4/1,2
  6. Numbers 1 – 10 – formou říkanky, her jsme si procvičovaly čísla
  7. Děti se navzájem ptaly: How old are you? a odpovídaly: I’m 6/7.
  8. Activity Book 6/1
  9. Domácí úkol: Activity Book str. 6/2

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