- „The Gingerbread Cookie Dance!“🎄/// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
- Portfolio: What’s she/he doing?
- Unit Song: PB 37
- AB 37
- Snatch It – procvičování present continuous – hra při které děti předvádějí – She is running/eatin/dacing..apod.
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 38/1 (video)
- AB 38/1, 2
- Unit 5 Story
- Homework: 34/2, AB 39
- „Santa Freeze Dance!“ 🎅🏼❄️ /// Danny Go! Christmas Songs for Kids
- Portfolio: děti třídily slova do kategorií: family (family members) / at home (furniture)
- Family words & family tree
- PB 35/1
- AB 34/1, 2 (děti jmenovaly barvu a kategorii pro dané slovo)
- Frogs on a log: male & female (AB 35/2 formou hry)
- Present continuous- přítomný čas průběhový
- PB 36/1
- I’m throwing/I’m catching game: procvičování průběhového času
- Charades: What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s …ing.
- Unit Song: PB 37
- AB 36/1
- Homework 35/1
- Unit 2 song – teacher on bookcase PB 13
- Opakování: on, in, under, next to, in front of
- Portfolio: Draw a lamp on a bookcase. Draw two lorries under a sofa.
- TEST Unit 1 – 4
- Games – Hot potato, Simon Says
- Unit Song (PB 27)
- Portfolio: Draw two watches on a mat. / Draw Monty in the bath.
- AB 27
- it’s/they’re
- It’s / They’re – Gameshow quiz
- Kid’s Box 2 Unit 4 slides 4 and 5
- Numbers 1 -. 20 – opakování
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 28/1
- AB 28/2, 3
- Whose Ears? | Learn Animals Song for Kids
- Unit Story PB 29 (Who is counting? Is Marie in the cupboard? Where is Monty?
- Drawing on whiteboards: prepositions and vocab
- Příští týden píší děti souhrnný test z Units 1-4
- Homework: AB 29
- Go Bananas! | Camp Song | Scratch Garden
- Portfolio: spelling dictation: clock, mat, mirror
- New vocab: mat, phone, sofa, lamp, clock, mirror
- AB 24/2
- Mine/yoursand it’s/they’re
- PB 26 (grammar video)
- PB 27 Unit Song
- Circle time: Mine/yours and it’s/they’re – děti si vzaly do kruhu své věci a navzájem se ptaly a odpovídaly: Is this yours?”“No, it isn’t.” Or “Yes, it’s mine.” Are these yours? No, they aren’t. / Yes, they’re mine.
- Prepositions of place: on, in, under, next to, (new) in front of, behind, between
- In Front Of, Behind, Between | Prepositions Song for Kids
- AB 26/2
- Homework: AB 25/1, 25/2

- The Wiggle Dance ⚡️HYPERSPEED REMIX⚡️/// Danny Go! Songs for Kids
- Portfolio: This is/these are
- Zopakování slovíček: kite, teddy bear, robot, alien, watch, camera, computer game, tablet, lorry, board game
- AB 21
- Whose…is/are? (Čí je/jsou?) PB 20/1 (video)
- PB 21: Unit Song
- AB 20/1
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling /ai/ – PB 22/1
- Game: Telephone (tichá pošta) . White bike, hide the kites, ride the bike, five kites, I like kites, five mice
- AB 22/1
- PB 23- Unit Story
- HW: AB 20/2, 23 – celá stránka
- Halloween Stomp | Halloween Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
- Portfolio: spelling dictation: watch, kite, alien
- Intro vocab: kite, teddy bear, robot, alien, watch, camera, computer game, tablet, lorry
- AB 18/1, 2
- This/These formou her jsme si upevňovali This is a…./These are….
- PB 19/1
- Quiz game: https://wordwall.net/resource/35823324/this-these
- AB 19/1
- HW: AB 19/2

- The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden
- Portfolio: děti četly z tabule čísla psaná slovy a zapisovaly (11 – 20)
- PB 16/1
- Procvičení existenční vazby: Is there a … in my pencil case? There is/ There are
- Děti jmenovaly, co je v penálu. There is one pencil sharpener. There are two pencils…
- Trevor’s values:
- PB 17/1- be polite, nice, respectful – put my hand up, share my pencils, wait for our teacher, ask for help, clean, listen
- Charades – děti hrály pantomimou jednotlivé situace z Trevor’s values
- Hot potato game: spelling, what is it
- Around the World
- HW: AB 10/2 (listening), 11/2
- Unit 2 Song (PB 13)
- Kontrola dú: 10/1 (word search), 11/1
- Portfolio: unscramble words – slova s pomíchanými písmenky – board, desk, cupboard, bookcase
- Opakování slovní zásoby: board, cupboard, bookcase, ruler, teacher, desk
- Picture Dictionary – děti hádaly, co je nakresleno na tabuli
- AB str. 13
- On-line game: procvičení there is/there are
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – tree, bee, see, seventeen, feet, green, knee.
- PB 14/1
- Děti po skupinách vyslovovaly: „How many bees can you see?” „17 bees in the tree.”
- AB 14/1, 2
- Telephone game (tichá pošta):. I like cheese. Seventeen bees. Feet. fifteen. Green trees.
- PB 15 (Unit 2 Story)
- HW: AB 15/1
- Let’s Count to 20 Song For Kids
- Check HW: AB 8/2, 9/1
- Portfolio: How many… are there?
- Nová slovíčka a opakování z minulého školního roku – school items: board, cupboard, bookcase, ruler, teacher, desk/ eraser, pen, pencil, chair, table, book
- Game: What’s missing? – děti hádaly, které obrazové karty chybí
- Připomněli jsme si postavy – Alex, Lenny, Meera – PB 10/1
- AB 10/1
- Whiteboards (popisovací tabulky) – spelling čísel 11-20.
- Matching numbers – děti skládaly čísla a slova 11-20
- PB 12- How many desks are there? Bags? Cupboards? books?
- PB 13/1 (Unit song)
- There is/There are
- AB 12/2
- HW: 10/1 (dodělat osmisměrku), 11/1