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Homework: Activity Book 50/4, 51/2

Portfolio: Students practiced using „made of“ and „comes from“. For example: Jewellery is made of gold. Gold comes from the ground.

Pupil’s Book: Unit 5 „Material Things“ (pages 49-51)

Activity Book: 49 (whole page); 50/1, 3; 51/1

Vocabulary & Grammar: Materials: brick, sugar, rubber, fur, wool, paper, card, plastic, wood, stone, grass, leather, gold, silver, glass metal; made of, comes from

Pronunciation Focus: Connected speech. The final consonant sound and an initial vowel sound of two words link together (e.g. look at, come on, made of).

Unit Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 5: Material Things

Game: Who said it? After hearing a quote from a Diggory Bones story (from any unit) students had to identify which character said it.

Break: Would You Rather? Workout! (Valentine Candy Edition)