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There will be a test next week (26.2.) on Units 3-5. Review the vocabulary and grammar from these units to be prepared!

Homework: No homework today 🙂

Portfolio: Students practiced following directions on a map to find places in a city. (Review of Unit 3.)

Pupil’s Book: Unit 5 „Material Things“ (pages 52-53); Review Units 3-5

Activity Book: 53 (whole page)

Vocabulary & Grammar: sculpture; Units 3-5 vocabulary and grammar

Game: Pass the Clap. We played this game to review the vocabulary from Units 3-5. While in a circle, put your right hand on your partner’s left hand. While „passing the clap“ from one person to the next, everyone says, “I know 5 words about (topic)”. After the 5th word, we continue passing the clap and spell it. The last person shouldn’t let the previous student touch his or her hand.  If the last student is fast enough to pull their hand away and the previous person can’t touch his or her hand, he or she is the winner.

Creative Activity: Design your own sculpture by using recycled materials. In pairs, students created their own sculpture and described it to the class. (What is it made of? What’s the message? Where is it?)