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  • Weather Song
  • Portfolio – sunny, windy, raining (unscramble the words)
  • Unit 8 – Nová slovíčka – Weather: cloudy, cold, dry, hot, rainbow, raining, snowing, sunny, windy, wet + Clothes: sweater, scarf, gloves, coat, hat
  • Conversation – What´s the weather like? It´s snowing/cold/windy. + What do you wear when it’s cold?
  • Library Books – děti si opět mohly vypůjčit anglické knížky z naší knihovny
  • AB 72/2 + 73/1,2 + 74/1
  • Grammar – učili jsme se minulý čas slovesa „to be“:  was/were, wasn’t/weren’t (Today it is rainy. Yesterday it was sunny.)
  • HW: AB 74/2