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  • Food likes song
  • Portfolios: “_o_e”. – děti psaly robe, mole, nose, bone
  • Nová slovíčka:  food, apple, banana, burger, cake, ice cream, chocolate
  • AB 84/1, 2, 85/2
  • Procvičování: Do you like….? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
  • AB 86/1
  • Snatch game – poslech a předvádění –  eating ice cream, eating a burger, eating an apple, eating a banana, drawing a picture, reading a book, sitting on a
  • chair, listening to music, driving a car, playing a video game, riding a horse, playing basketball, playing the guitar, swimming, riding a bike,
  • playing football, playing tennis, playing the piano, fishing, singing, driving a bus, flying a plane, riding a motorbike, flying a helicopter
  • Domácí úkol: AB 84/2, 86/2