- Unit Song PB 49
- In Front Of, Behind, Between | Prepositions Song for Kids
- Portfolio: Draw a spider between an armchair and a sofa.
- Draw a frog under a bookcase.
- PB 51/1 (Chant)
- AB 51 (Starter’s Listening)
- Monty’s Sounds and Spelling – PB 52/1
- 4 corners game: sl, sn, sc, sp – děti podle výslovnosti slova běžely k dané ceduli ( snake, slow, scary, spider, speedy, sloth, snack, scar, sleep, scratch, scarf, slap, snow, sneeze, spaghetti, space)
- AB 52/1, 53 (listen, stick, write)
- Unit Story PB 53
- Homework: AB 52/2 – děti si mají vybrat jednu z kombinací slov – slow, speedy, scary + snail, snake, spider – napsat a nakreslit