
  • Pages 49 in the Workbook is assigned as Homework for 20.01

    Intro: We began class by warming up our brains with a game of Scattegories.

    Notebooks: We made a plans for the year 2025. In their noterbooks, students chose four things they wanted to do in 2025 and four dates they would do those things on.
    I want to celebrate my birthday on the 19th of January.
    I want to climb a mountain on the 23rd of April.
    I want to buy a Mercedes on the 7th of August.
    I want to visit Australia on the 14th of October.

    Unit 4 Vocab Words: We practiced our new Unit 4 Vocabulary: waiter, strawberries, biscuits, spoon, napkin, fork, knife, pepper, salt, chopsticks.

    New Grammar: Introduced our second grammar point of Unit 4; 0 Conditionals. We use this for rules and things that are always true.
    If ice gets hot, it melts.
    If you press the button, the TV turns off.

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: We watched a few short clips from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory about the fantastic foods that are in those movies.
    Chocolate River
    3 Course-Meal Chewing Gum
    Chocolate that makes you fly.

    We read about more of these in our Students Book on Page 51. Students then came up with their own Fantastic Food. They drew and wrote about it.

    Student’s Book: We worked through Page 49 and 51 in the Students Book