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  • Freeze Dance Song 2 – THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Dance Songs for Circle Time
  • Portfolio: Word scramble- erMea, moSin, uzSy, lalSte (Meera, Simon, Suzy, Stella)
  • Called – What’s he/she called? Have you got a pet? What’s he/she called? This is my favorite book. It’s called….
  • Hot potato game: What’s he/she/it called?
  • Activity Book 4/1
  • Předložky: on, in, next to, under, in front of, behind, between
  • In Front Of, Behind, Between | Prepositions Song for Kids
  • Spelling Game:  toys: helicopter, helmet, computer, kite, game, lorry, camera, train, bike, monster
  • AB 5/2- Listen and write – numbers.  Napiš množné číslo slov.
  • Průběhový čas: jumping, reading, sitting, drinking, eating, talking, kicking, throwing, catching. Děti předváděly jednotlivé aktivity a ostatní říkaly:  “He’s/She’s ___ ing.”
  • Homework: AB 4/2, 6/3