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  • Body parts song
  • Introductions: How are you?
  • Portfolios: děti psaly slova z videa fan, can, pan, ran
  • Samohláska „i“ – https://www.starfall.com/h/abcs/?mg=k
  • Senses – smysly naučili jsme se pojmenovat čichat (smell), chutnat (taste), vidět (see), slyšet (hear), hmatat (touch)
  • Simon says  – Listen to me, look at the board, smell your arm, taste your chin, touch your knees….
  • Activity Book 46/2
  • Nové fráze: walk the dog, brush the cat, feed my fish, wash the horse
  • AB 47/1
  • Domácí úkol: Activity Book  47/2