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  • Beach ball toss: Could you speak English when you were 5 years old? Yes, I could. / No, I couldn´t.
  • Portfolio I could/couldn´t write when I was 4 years old. I could/couldn´t ski when I was 7 years old.
  • Past simple irregular verbs – naučili jsme se minulý čas dalších nepravidelných sloves: catch/caught, have (to)/had (to), find/found, get/got, make/made, can/could, lose/lost, come/came, take/took, go/went
  • A na jejich procvičení jsme si hned zahráli hru – Zombie Game
  • Brain Break – Would you rather? Workout (Valentine Candy Edition)
  • Activity Book – 47/2 + 3
  • New words – explorer, expedition, continent, Antarctica + exhibition, museum, school trip
  • Společně jsme četli příběh – Story: Expedition to Antarctica
  • „so“ clauses: They were hungry so they ate sandwiches.
  • Homework – AB 46/1 + 2