Homework – AB/62.
Introduction: Opakujeme si předložky (next to, between, behind, in front of, under, on).
Portfolio: Procvičujeme předložky – „What is under the cafe? What is in between the street and hospital? What is next to the flat? What is in front of the flat? What is behind the hospital?“
Activities: Každý student někam umístí balón a ptá se: “Where is it?” Druhý odpovídá:“ It is on, under the…..“

Bookwork: PB/57, PB/43, AB 63/1, PB 63/1, PB 62/1, PB 62/2, AB 63.

Grammar: předložky: behind, between, in front of, under.
Vocabulary: My town: park, flat, shop, cafe, street, hospital.