
This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant

  • Beach ball toss – Valentine´s day: Who do you love? I love… (my mom, my dad, my friend…)
  • Portfolio – POZOR na mn. čísla: a woman/women, a man/men, a child/children
  • Grammar – There is a man. X There are men.
  • Frogs on a log Game (choose the side)
  • Unit 8Words – Town: park, shop, street, hospital, café, flat,
  • Brain Break – Valentine´s Day Dance Freeze
  • Opakovali jsme předložky (with Monty and Ben)
  • In front of, Behind, Between – Prepositions Song for Kids
  • Activity Book – 54/1,2 + 56/1
  • Nová slovíčka a jejich hláskování jsme na závěr procvičili novou hrou v kroužku – Pass the Clap Game
  • Homework – AB 55/2 + 56/2