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  • Circle time – What´s your favourite animal? My favourite animal is
  • Portfolio – Draw a frog under a bookcase. Draw a spider between an armchair and a sofa.
  • Unit 7 Words – Animals: cow, goat, sheep, duck, frog, lizard, spider, donkey, bugs /insect (hmyz)
  • Zvířata jsme procvičili hrou u tabule – Board slap Game
  • Unit 7 Song (At the farm)
  • Activity Book – 48/1 + 49/1 (Ask your friend – Where´s the spider/goat/lizard?) + 50/1 (2)
  • Brain Break – The Animal Dance!
  • New Grammar – I love … . So do I. /I don´t.
  • Fruitbasket turnover Game – novou gramatiku jsme si hned vyzkoušeli při hře v kroužku : I love cats. So do I. I love dogs. I don´t.
  • Homework – AB 48/2