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  • Unit 7 Song
  • Portfolio – Draw a lizard in front of a tree. Draw a donkey between 2 onions.
  • Procvičovali jsme předložky: In front of, Behind, Between Song
  • Words – Food: watermelon, pineapple, bananas, oranges, mangoes, coconuts, lemon, lime, onions
  • Opakovali jsme gramatiku z minulého týdne: I love bananas . So do I. /I don´t.
  • Brain Break – The Animal Dance!
  • Activity Book – 51 + 52/1 + 53 – Picture Dictionary (listen, stick, write)
  • Monty’s Sounds and Spelling: A slow snail, a scary snake and a speedy spider!
  • Unit 7 Story (At the farm)
  • Homework – AB 52/2