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Homework due Monday 15.1.: WB str. 50, 51

Notebooks: Do vět doplňujeme on/in/at.

Práce se Student’s Book: SB str. 49

New Grammar:


Use „in“ for: months, years, „in the morning/evening/afternoon“

Use „at“ for: times, „at dinnertime/lunchtime/breaktime“ and „at night“ or Christmas time

Use „on“ for: days, exact dates (e.g. on March 30th), holidays

Past Continuous with Past Simple

Used for interrupted actions, for example, to answer the question, “What were you doing when….(something happened)”

When I (simple past verb phrase), he (was verb+”ing”)

When I called him, he was watching a film.

New Vocabulary: station, platform, escalator, ticket office, train driver, stairs, rucksack, suitcase, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee 

Other Activity: Spell or Slime, hra s flashcards: po třídě hledáme schované flashcards a pak je musíme podle zadání seřadit