

Vyučující Anna Holladay
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  • 10.6.

    Today was our last lesson. Students took home their portfolios, Units 6-8 tests, and time capsules (from our first lesson this year)!

    We created summer Mad Libs (funny stories) and watched a short movie with popcorn!

    Thanks for a great year 🙂

  • 3.6.

    Homework: No HW

    Today we took the last test of the year (Units 6-8), played vocabulary games, and wrote a „Fold-a-story“ (by listening to the prompts, students contributed to each other’s stories without knowing what came before their additions).

    Next week (10.6.) will be our last lesson, where we’ll celebrate the end of the great year together!

    Brain Break: Would you rather?

  • 27.5.

    Units 6-8 Test on 3.6.

    Homework: No HW. Review for your test!

    Portfolio: Sentence scrambles

    Pupil’s Book: Units 7&8 Review (pages 80-81)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: All vocabulary and grammar from Units 7 and 8

    Game: Beach Ball Toss, spelling practice. We took turns calling out words and spelling them letter by letter as we tossed the ball.

    Present Perfect Tense speaking practice

    Activity Book: AB 81/4, 5

  • 20.5.

    Units 6-8 Test on 3.6.

    Homework: Activity Book 80/1, 80/2

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 8 (pages 78-79)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    aerobic, anaerobic, all Unit 8 vocabulary (sports, seasons), Present Perfect Tense

    Game: Present Perfect Baamboozle Quiz

    Beach Ball Toss: What have you done today? I have/ I haven’t…

    Present Perfect Video Quiz

    Activity Book: 79

  • 13.5.

    Homework: Activity Book 75/4, 77/Do you remember?

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 8 (pages 75-77)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Sports and seasons

    Past participles ending in:

    /d/ sound (climbed, played, listened, arrived)

    /t/ sound (crossed, finished, jumped, walked)

    /id/ sound (decided, needed, waited, wanted)

    Unit 8 Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 8 World of sports

    Activity Book: 75/1, 2, 3; 76; 77/1, 2

  • 6.5.

    Homework: Activity Book 73/3, 73/4, 73/5

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 8 (pages 72-74)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    Sports: athletics, cycling, golf, racing, skiing, sledging, snowboarding

    Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter

    Present Perfect Tense: We practiced more with past participles and the Present Perfect tense to express recently completed actions.

    Game: Present Perfect Speaking Wheel

    Activity Book: 72, 74

  • 29.4.

    Homework: Activity Book 65/3

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 7 (pages 70-71)

    Students learned why turtles, orangutans, hummingbirds, and hedgehogs are endangered and how some people are helping them.

    They also got an introduction to the Present Perfect Tense by asking „Have you ever…“ questions.

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Unit 7 vocabulary, especially „habitat“ and „endangered“

    Present Perfect Tense: subject + have/has + past participle

    Regular past participles are the same as regular past tense verbs. e.g. arrive-arrived, play-played, jump-jumped

    Irregular past participles are on page 88 of your Activity Books. e.g. eat-eaten, be-been, go-gone

    Example: Have you ever eaten pineapple pizza? Yes, I have eaten pineapple pizza. / No, I haven’t eaten pineapple pizza.

    Present Perfect Speaking Wheel

    Game: „Pass the Clap“ with Unit 7 vocabulary

    Activity Book: 71

  • 22.4.

    Homework: Activity Book 67/2

    Portfolio: Write advice for someone who is feeling sad. You should… You shouldn’t…

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 7 (pages 67-69)

    Today we continued learning about endangered animals and practiced giving more advice!

    Vocabulary & Grammar: giving advice (should/shouldn’t); I think we should…, Yes, I agree.

    habitat, male, female, endangered species, extinct, insect, protect, stripes, spots, beetle, wing, butterfly, in danger

    Activity Book: 67/1, 4; 68/1, 3, 4; 69/1, 2

    Unit 7 Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Unit Stories -> Unit 7 Natural World

    Brain Break: The Animal Dance Game

  • 15.4.

    Homework: Activity Book 65/1, 66/3

    Portfolio: In 2 minutes, write as many words about the natural world as you can think of!

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 7 (pages 64-66)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: giving advice (should/shouldn’t); endangered species, extinct, insect, protect, stripes, spots, beetle, wing, butterfly, in danger

    Activity Book: 64; 66/1, 2

    Students wrote advice for different scenarios, using these prompts.

    Games: Should/Shouldn’t Advice Game

    Brain Break: This or That? Animals

  • 8.4.

    Homework: Activity Book 63/5 (if you were absent, then please only do page 62)

    Portfolio: Sentence Scrambles

    Pupil’s Book: Units 5 and 6 Review (pages 62-63)

    Vocabulary: All vocabulary from Units 5 and 6

    Activity Book: 62, 63/4

    Games: To review and practice spelling materials we played „Pass the Clap“. We also played a board game from the Pupil’s Book and created stories using Story Cubes. (In the stories we used our vocabulary and grammar from Units 5 and 6!)

  • 25.3.

    Happy Easter!

    Homework: No homework

    Today we did a lot of fun Easter activities! We played Bingo, „Four Corners“, had an Easter egg hunt (students had to find hidden eggs and then describe to their partner where the eggs were using prepositions of place), and completed maze riddles.

    Active video: Easter Freeze Dance

    Vocabulary: bee, carrot, umbrella, cracked egg, egg, decorated egg, rain, rainbow, rain boot, bird, sail, cross, garden, chicken, chick, nest, raincoat, bunny, basket, butterflies, flower, branch, sun, water can, morning

  • 18.3.

    LEAP ENGLISH DAY CAMP: Don’t miss the 10% discount deadline if you register by March 31st! You can register here.

    Homework: Activity Book 60/2

    Portfolio: Word scrambles of cooking words (Unit 6 vocabulary)

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 6 „Senses“ (pages 60-61)

    Vocabulary: sound waves, sound vibrations; sound words: clanging, roaring, honking, ringing, clattering, meowing, giggling, tapping, zooming

    Activity Book: 61

    We also practiced saying what we heard and saw:

    -What does it sound like? It sounds like… (Guess the Sound video)

    -What does it look like? It looks like…. (Students asked each other what they thought certain images looked like and shared with the group.)

    Unit 6 Review game

  • 11.3.

    Homework: Activity Book 57 (whole page)

    Portfolio: Draw a pizza with your favorite toppings. Describe it (e.g. It feels… It smells… It looks… It tastes…)

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 6 „Senses“ (pages 57-59)

    Activity Book: 58/1, 2; 59/1, 2

    Pronunciation focus, sentence stress: We practiced stressing the correct words in sentences. (e.g. Stella, put your hand in the box. What does it feel like?)

    Diggory Bones Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 6 Senses

    Chain Game: „On my pizza, there’s … (pizza topping).“ The next person must remember the first topping and add their own. We continued around the circle until our pizza had lots of toppings!

    Dialogue/Role play: Students created and performed dialogues where they had to order a pizza for delivery.

  • 4.3.

    Students got their tests back today. Ask your child to see how well they did. Good job everyone!

    Homework: Activity Book 56 (whole page)

    Portfolio: Word scrambles of the 5 senses

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 6 „Senses“ (pages 54-56)

    Activity Book: 54, 55 (whole pages)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    Senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch

    Describing sensations: What does it look/feel/taste/smell/sound like? It looks/feels/tastes/smells/sounds like…

    Cooking: flour, salt, pepper, knife, fork, spoon, plate, salami, sausage, onion, delicious, yeast, mix, dough, base, olives, oven, ingredient, topping

    Unit 6 Song: Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Unit 6 Senses

    Game: What does it sound like? Students took turns making a sound and guessing the object. (e.g. tick tock tick tock. It sounds like a clock!)

  • 26.2.

    Homework: No homework today

    Test: Today there was a test covering the material from Units 3-5.


    Would you rather? speaking practice

    -„Running Dictation“: There were tongue twisters stuck around the room. One person ran to a tongue twister, memorized it, and ran back to their partner who had to write it down. Tongue twisters:

    Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

    A big black bug bit a big black bear.

    Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather.

    Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy,
    was he?

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

    A proper copper coffee pot.

    Fresh fried fish.

    Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen.

  • 19.2.

    There will be a test next week (26.2.) on Units 3-5. Review the vocabulary and grammar from these units to be prepared!

    Homework: No homework today 🙂

    Portfolio: Students practiced following directions on a map to find places in a city. (Review of Unit 3.)

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 5 „Material Things“ (pages 52-53); Review Units 3-5

    Activity Book: 53 (whole page)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: sculpture; Units 3-5 vocabulary and grammar

    Game: Pass the Clap. We played this game to review the vocabulary from Units 3-5. While in a circle, put your right hand on your partner’s left hand. While „passing the clap“ from one person to the next, everyone says, “I know 5 words about (topic)”. After the 5th word, we continue passing the clap and spell it. The last person shouldn’t let the previous student touch his or her hand.  If the last student is fast enough to pull their hand away and the previous person can’t touch his or her hand, he or she is the winner.

    Creative Activity: Design your own sculpture by using recycled materials. In pairs, students created their own sculpture and described it to the class. (What is it made of? What’s the message? Where is it?)

  • 12.2.

    Homework: Activity Book 50/4, 51/2

    Portfolio: Students practiced using „made of“ and „comes from“. For example: Jewellery is made of gold. Gold comes from the ground.

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 5 „Material Things“ (pages 49-51)

    Activity Book: 49 (whole page); 50/1, 3; 51/1

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Materials: brick, sugar, rubber, fur, wool, paper, card, plastic, wood, stone, grass, leather, gold, silver, glass metal; made of, comes from

    Pronunciation Focus: Connected speech. The final consonant sound and an initial vowel sound of two words link together (e.g. look at, come on, made of).

    Unit Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 5: Material Things

    Game: Who said it? After hearing a quote from a Diggory Bones story (from any unit) students had to identify which character said it.

    Break: Would You Rather? Workout! (Valentine Candy Edition)

  • 29.1.

    Homework: Activity Book 47 (whole page)

    Portfolio: Word scrambles with materials. e.g. lowo -> wool, berrbu -> rubber

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 5 „Material Things“ (pages 46-48)

    Activity Book: 46 (whole page), 48 (whole page)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Materials: brick, sugar, rubber, fur, wool, paper, card, plastic, wood, stone, grass, leather, gold, silver, glass metal; made of

  • 22.1.

    Homework: Activity Book 45/4, 45/5

    Portfolio: Students practiced writing the dates as they were said aloud.

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 4 „Disaster!“ (pages 42-43); Units 3 and 4 Review (pages 44-45)

    Activity Book: 42/1, 43, 44 (whole page)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Units 3 and 4 vocabulary and grammar

    Game: Beach ball toss: Ask and answer the question „What were you doing yesterday at 6:00 pm?“ I was ____ ing.

    Review quiz games:,

  • 15.1.

    Homework: Activity Book 40/3, 40/4, 41/2, 41/“Do you remember?“

    Portfolio: Listen to a description and identify the month of the year

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 4 „Disaster!“ (pages 39-41)

    Activity Book: 39 (whole page), 40/1, 41/1

    Unit SongKid’s Box 5 -> Unit Songs -> Unit 4 Disaster!

    Unit Story: Kid’s Box 5 -> Unit Stories ->Unit 4 Disaster!

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Unit vocabulary, months of the year, past continuous tense, pronunciation of vowel sounds A E I O U

    Game: To practice the past continuous tense, students acted out a scenario in groups (i.e. I was making a sandwich when I cut myself.). The other group had to guess the scenario using the correct grammar.

  • 8.1.

    Homework: Activity Book 37/1, 37/2

    Portfolio: What kind of weather do you like and dislike?

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 4 „Disaster!“ (pages 36-38)

    Activity Book: 36/1, 36/2, 36/3; 38/1, 38/2

    Unit Song: Kid’s Box 5 -> Unit Songs -> Unit 4 Disaster!

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    -Disaster, storm, island, beach, catch fire, lightning, tsunami, hurricane

    -Past Continuous Tense „I was watching TV at 8 pm“

    -Ordinals: 1st -29th


    -Beach ball toss, Category: weather. Students toss the beach ball to each other. When you have the ball, you must say a word related to the weather. If you repeat a word or you can’t think of one quickly, then you’re out.

    Past Continuous Baamboozle

  • 18.12.

    Christmas Lesson!

    Today we celebrated Christmas together with fun activities:

    -Doing an active Would you rather? video

    -Making Christmas cards, solving riddles, creating funny stories (Mad Libs)

    -Watching a short movie with popcorn and snacks

  • 11.12.

    Homework: Activity Book 29/1, 34/1

    Portfolio: Practicing directions: Sentence Scrambles (2nd slide)

    Pupil’s Book: Unit 3 „City Life“ (pages 34-35)

    Activity Book: 35

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    -Public transport, hanging train, cable car, electric, environmentally friendly, pollution, greener than

    Comparative and superlative adjectives: new (newer than, the newest); easy (easier than, the easiest); good (better than, the best); healthy (healthier than, the healthiest); green (greener than, the greenest); beautiful (more beautiful than, the most beautiful); interesting (more interesting than, the most interesting); expensive (more expensive than, the most expensive)

    Game: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

  • 4.12.

    Homework: Activity Book 32/4, 33/“Do you remember?“

    Portfolio: Practicing directions: Sentence Scrambles

    Bookwork (Pupil’s Book): Unit 3 „City Life“ (pages 31-33)

    Activity Book: 31 (whole page); 32/3; 33/1, 2

    Unit Song: (Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Unit 3)

    Unit Story: (Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 3)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: 

    Prepositions: who, where, which. i.e. A place where you can post letters. (a post office); Someone who flies planes. (a pilot); Something which you have to buy when you go by bus or train. (a ticket)

    Directions: right, left, straight on, (at/on the) corner, past, across, along, to get lost, turn 

    Places in a city: police station, theatre, bridge, street, post office, taxi, hotel, airport, restaurant, museum, castle, prison, bank, stadium, gym, university

    Game: Guess the place in a city

  • 27.11.

    The Units 0-2 Review Test was given back in class today! Ask your child to see it 🙂

    Homework: Activity Book 29/2, 29/3

    Portfolio: For 5 minutes, students wrote places or things in a city starting with each letter of the alphabet. For example, A- airport B-bank…

    Bookwork (Pupil’s Book): Unit 3 „City Life“ (pages 28-30)

    We read the latest blog by Lenny, Meera, and Stella about London, practiced giving directions to places, and did a word scramble and matching exercise with places in a city.

    Activity Book: 28/1, 2, 3

    Unit Song: (Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Unit 3)

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Directions: right, left, straight on, (at/on the) corner, past, across, along, to get lost, turn. Places in a city: police station, theatre, bridge, street, post office, taxi, hotel, airport, restaurant, museum, castle, prison, bank, stadium, gym, university

    Game: Hot Seat. Students took turns sitting in the „hot seat.“ When you were there, you had to guess which place was being described to you by your classmates.

  • 20.11.

    Homework: No homework today

    Portfolio: Spelling Game: prize, comedy, interesting, history. I spelled each word letter by letter, and when students thought they knew the answer, they said „Stop!“, raised their hand, and made a guess.

    Test: Today there was a test covering the material from Units 0-2.

    Games: After the test, we played a quiz game to review the Past Simple tense, created sentences using word tiles, and told stories using the Story Cubes.

    Brain Break: This or That Fall Edition

  • 13.11.

    Next week (20.11.) there will be a test on Units 0-2.

    Homework: Activity Book 26 (whole page)

    Portfolio: We practiced using the grammar structure „going to“ for future plans.

    Bookwork (Pupil’s Book): Review Units 0-2 (pages 25-27)

    Activity Book: page 25

    Vocabulary & Grammar: Review all vocabulary and grammar from Units 0-2


    -We played the review game in the Pupil’s Book (page 27). With this, we practiced saying the time and saying what you are going to do at that time. (And we tested our memory, too, because you had to remember what your teammates were going to do at specific times!)

    Baamboozle quiz game

  • 6.11.

    Homework: Activity Book 21/2, 22/3, 22/4

    Portfolio: Students listened to audio of people at work and had to write which jobs they had.

    Bookwork (Pupil’s Book): Unit 2 „People at work“ (pages 21-23)

    Activity Book: 21/1, 21/3, 23/1, 23/2, 23/3

    Vocabulary & Grammar: jobs and „going to“ for future plans


    -Beach ball toss: Students tossed the beach ball to each other. When you caught it, you had to say a job. If you repeated a job that was already said or couldn’t think of a job in time, you had to sit down.

    -Who am I? One student sat in a chair facing their classmates. They silently chose a job. The class has a total of 10 „yes/no“ questions to ask to figure out which job the student chose.

    Unit Story: Diggory Bones (Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Unit 2 People at work)

    Brain Break: Would you Rather | Jobs | Kids | This or That | GoNoodle Inspired

  • 30.10.

    Homework: Activity Book 19/3, 20 (whole page)

    Portfolio: Word scramble: drineseg (designer), juarnlstoi (journalist), macniceh (mechanic)

    Bookwork (Pupil’s Book): Unit 2 „People at work“ (pages 18-20)

    Activity Book: 18/1, 2, 3; 19/1, 2

    Vocabulary: nurse, fire fighter, teacher, dentist, actor, artist, cook, doctor, football player, journalist, manager, mechanic, pilot, sports commentator, video game designer, writer

    Grammar: future plans with „going to“ (e.g. I’m going to be a doctor. I’m going to go to the shopping center.)

    Halloween activities:

    Would You Rather? Fitness (Halloween Edition) | This or That | Brain Break | Candy | PE

    We created funny stories by doing a Halloween mad lib

  • 16.10.

    Homework: Activity Book 16/2: write about a documentary you’ve watched (or imagine a documentary you’d like to watch)

    Library Books: Many of the students have library books that are overdue. Please return them on 30.10. with the book report! 🙂

    Portfolio: We practiced spelling adjectives – popular, exciting, amazing, interesting

    Bookwork: Unit 1 „Time for television“ (pages 16-17) and review of the whole unit. Activities: 16/1, 17

    Today we learned about how nature documentaries are made, read about three different documentaries, and shared our opinions about them. We also practiced using adjectives and reviewed Units 0 and 1!

    Vocabulary: drone, underwater camera, computer-generated images (CGI); adjectives from Unit 1

    Game: We reviewed Units 0 and 1 with this quiz game

    Brain Break: This or That: Pet Edition

  • 9.10.

    Homework: Activity Book 14/3, 14/4, 15 “Do you remember?”

    Portfolio: Students wrote sentences sharing their opinions about TV programs. For example, „I think documentaries are more interesting than sports.“

    Bookwork: Unit 1 „Time for television“, pages 13-15. Activities: 13/1, 13/2, 13/3, 13,4, 14/1, 14/2, 15/1, 15/2

    Vocabulary: Adjectives: amazing, bad, boring, exciting, funny, good, interesting

    Grammar: Past Simple, sounds of „sh“ and „ch“ consonant clusters.

    Unit Song(Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Time for television)

    Unit Story: (Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Time for television)

    Game: Shark Attack! We practiced the vocabulary words with a game similar to „Hangman.“ Students guessed letters to complete the word on the board. Each incorrect letter sent the stickman closer to the shark’s mouth.

    Brain Break: Would you rather? Fall edition

  • 2.10.

    Homework: Activity Book 11/1, 11/2, 11/3

    Portfolio: Students answered the questions: „What’s your favorite TV program or series to watch? What kind of program is it? (comedy, cartoon, quiz show, sport, …)“

    Bookwork: Unit 1 „Time for television“, pages 10-12. Activities: 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3

    Vocabulary: Time: half, o’clock, past, quarter, to; TV programmes: action film, cartoon, comedy, documentary, news, quiz show, rock music video, sport, weather; TV: channel, episode, series, stream

    Unit song(Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Time for television)

    Game: To finish our lesson, we played a very lively game where students practiced telling the time!

  • 25.9.

    Homework: Activity Book 7/3, 9/2

    Portfolio: Students listened to descriptions of school subjects and wrote the correct answers in their portfolios.

    Today, we practiced our Unit 0 vocabulary, completed a school timetable logic puzzle, sang the Unit song (Kid’s Box 5 -> Songs -> Welcome to our ezine), watched the Diggory Bones comic (Kid’s Box 5 -> Stories -> Welcome to our ezine), had pronunciation practice, and played review games!

    Bookwork: Unit 0, pages 7-9. Activities: 7/1; 8/1, 2; 9/1 and „Do you remember?“

    Pronunciation: Connected speech fluency practice. (e.g. in „How are you?“, we say like „Howare you?“ with the words „how“ and „are“ connected.)

    Vocabulary: dictionary, definition, school subjects (from our last lesson) including computer studies and art, archaeologist, Diggory Bones (a character from the comic in Kid’s Box 5)

    Phrases: How are things? = How are you?

    Games: „Puzzle Squares“ on Cambridge One, Word Association: I called out a school subject and students had to say words associated with it. For example, „Science“: experiments, plants, human body…

  • 18.9.

    Homework: AB 5/2 (Activity Book page 5, exercise 2) & 6/4 (page 6, exercise 4)

    We learned about our group mascot with a short video: Chameleons

    Portfolio: In 3 minutes, students wrote as many words as they could think of relating to „School.“ Their lists were very long!

    Bookwork: Unit 0, pages 4-6. Activities: 4/1, 2, 3; 5/1, 3; 6/1, 2, 3

    Today we were introduced to Kid’s Box 5 characters (Stella, Meera, and Lenny) and learned about blogs.

    Grammar: Review of present simple questions and short answers, likes, “can” for ability and permission

    Vocabulary: blog, competition, prize, wi-fi, online, dictionary, second language, exam, school subjects: English, French, geography, German, history, maths, science, Spanish, sport, music

  • 11.9.

    Welcome back to LEAP and to the Chameleon group page! We are going to have a great year together.

    Homework: No homework today 🙂

    Today we refreshed our English knowledge using „get to know you“ questions like: Do you like…? Have you got…? Can you…? What’s your favorite…? How old are you? When is your birthday?

    We also reviewed the past simple tense by playing a game called „Fruitbasket Turnover.“ Sitting with their chairs in a circle, one student starts in the middle and says a sentence about their summer (e.g. „I ate a lot of pizza.“ „I traveled to Greece.“ „I swam in the sea.“) If the sentence was something you also did during the summer, you stand up and find a new chair. The student left in the middle without a chair continues the game.

    Brain Break: Back to School Would You Rather?

    We reviewed our Class Rules: Be respectful, Listen, Raise your hand, Be prepared, Speak English.

    We also completed Time Capsule worksheets by writing information about what we like at the moment, our favorite summer memory, and plans for the next year. Miss Anna will give them back at the end of the year!